How do you thread a new residence amongst some of the most stunning live oaks in South Austin? Carefully. This site is home to a tree categorized by the City of Austin as a "Legacy" tree. Read more about the classifications here.
Essentially this oak measures 40+" in diameter at the base. The imposing canopy covers a vast majority of the site creating a cool respite that evolves through the movement of the day's sun. Neighboring this impressive specimen near the rear of the site are two more protected live oaks measuring 20" and 23" in diameter.
Working with the city arborist, our strategy for preserving the trees began with the decision to leave in place the existing 50 year-old slab. Our collective belief is that the root systems of the live oaks are tied to the structure of the slab - and have thrived in coexistence.
The three components of tree protection during construction are 1.) protective fencing, 2.) mulching ground covering at the tree base, and 3.) trunk wrapped protection of wired-in-place 2x4s. Our construction team is also working with a certified arborist on deep-root feeding and watering during construction. Read more about tree protection here.
We recognized early on that the greatest asset of this site was also the one requiring the longest time investment - mature and inspiring trees. Check back for updates on the construction progress, as we weave a modern treehouse into the majestic canopies of native Central Texas live oaks.